Tag: Torani
Blood Orange Shirley Temple
A Blood Orange Shirley Temple. A new twist on your favorite childhood drink made with ginger ale, grenadine, and blood orange syrup. Animal Crackers In My Soup Monkeys and rabbits loop de loop! Is it weird that I’m a Millennial male and know that song? Well today we’re making Shirley Temples. Chances are, if you were ever 5 […]
Spicy Bacon Whiskey Soda
How to make your own DIY bacon whiskey and create a unique cocktail to go with it. Using a SodaStream seltzer maker you can create your own soda with Torani Spicy Kola Nut syrup. Next, just add bacon whiskey. It’s Bacon Month And I’m Not Drunk We can fix that! Today we’re going to make a […]